Technical Service / Spare Parts in Europe

Please contact our technical department for any questions or requests by writing to our email address:

Technical Service

Maximising your uptime is the goal of our service team and we are here to help solve your problem. In many cases, we can solve your problem over the phone, but if you need a service call, your appointment will be scheduled quickly and efficiently. Miyakoshi Europe offers annual service/maintenance contracts. These include:
  • Telephone support
  • Labour and parts
  • Machine upgrades
  • Dismantling/Assembly and Machine Transfers
  • Specialist Training
  • Original spare parts
Our service technicians are trained by the manufacturer. With a team of demonstrators, electronic technicians and mechanical technicians who are among the most qualified in the industry.

Spare parts

Contact us for spare parts for your Miyakoshi press.

Miyakoshi Europe offers original spare parts for each of its presses.

The reasons for using our supply of parts are:

  • Use of high quality original parts.
  • The specialised knowledge of our technicians ensures the best treatment when advising you on upgrades and changes in your equipment.
  • Ensures minimum downtime thanks to the permanent stock of original parts.
  • Exhaustive quality control of components before shipment.
  • Parts return guarantee in case of delivery of incorrect spare parts.