
Offset. A solid present and better future in printing labels

Self-adhesive labels continue to lead the way in a “complex market”, subject to continuous growth in offset and digital printing and product diversification.

The total demand for labels in 2017 will increase by more than 3%, this constitutes a clear indicator of the sector strength and stable position. Label manufacturers in Western Europe continue to take over most of the market, but more than a third of brand owners said they are looking for labelling solutions in other geographical areas, such as Eastern Europe.

There are three main trends in the sector: customization and complexity, sustainability and globalization. The complexity (giving high added value to the label) in the elaboration and production of labels, together along with the impulse of the craft look, that seek to highlight the natural origin of the product; confer the technology of offset printing a scene of clear protagonism. We cannot and must not forget that the volume of the rolls continues to contract, so we are located in a highly complex and technical environment, with short and medium run production, where we seek the highest possible profitability.

The Miyakoshi UV offset technology seamless adapts to the conditions or the exposed market circumstances. Our UV offset technology allows self-adhesive label printers to respond to the most interesting and cost-effective production segment that is none other than 500-30,000 m high quality or high added value labels (different processes and / or finishes).

Our semi-rotary UV Miyakoshi MLP-C, MLP-E and MLP-H UV offset presses, both in traditional UV and UV Waterless, are our technological response to a demanding and efficient label printing market.